There is an epidemic among men, most commonly starting around age 40 and increasing in popularity as age increases. It’s not a life threatening illness or disease, but it is one that can shake even the most confident of men and make them lose their self-assurance. We are of course referring to erectile dysfunction (ED), a condition that currently affects 30 million men in the United States, and that number is expected to rise as the Baby Boomer generation continues to age.

Erectile dysfunction is a problem for millions of middle aged men, but an ED pump can help to improve your sexual function.
We’ve all seen the commercials on television for pills that will help with erectile dysfunction, but many men may not know exactly what ED is. Specifically speaking, ED occurs when a man no longer get or keep an erection that is firm enough for sexual intercourse. While having this issue occasionally shouldn’t necessarily trigger any alarm bells, chronic erection difficulties are a signal that you should talk with your doctor.
Yes, there are those “magical pills” that you see on television, but those can mess with your heart if taken in combination with a variety of medications. A more natural, healthier treatment for ED is an ED pump. ED pumps create an erection by using natural vacuum force to increase the blood flow and vascular pressure in the penis. This in turn produces an erection that is kept in place by a tourniquet-like ring at the base of the penis.
There are a few risks involved with using an ED pump. Pumping too quickly or too much can cause blood vessels to burst and form blisters. As long as you careful, it is much safer than taking a pill that may cause complications with your heart or other systems in your body.
Medical Department Store carries a large variety of powered and manual ED pumps to help you overcome your ED. Just because you have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction doesn’t mean it has to affect your life. Give us a call today to see how we can help!
Tags: ed pumps, erectile dysfunction, erection, penis pump, vacuum erection device