Medical Department Store has the covers you need to protect your cast this summer. With a cast cover, you can worry about your cast less and have more fun!
We know accidents happen and bones break at the most inconvenient times. Don’t fret because the Medical Department Store doesn’t want you to give up on summertime fun in Florida.
Cast covers are the perfect option for days where the kids want to go to the beach even with that broken arm or leg. These are ideal for swimming, bathing and any outdoor activity where you might get wet.
The kids will especially love cast covers from the Medical Department Store because it lets them play in water as if they are not wearing a cast. The purpose of these products is to seal for waterproof protection.
Imagine being on the local beach in Florida without having to worry about your child’s cast getting wet while they charge into the ocean. Cast covers will give you the peace of mind you are looking for while broken bones heal properly.
Feature cast cover products:
Dry Pro Pump Waterproof Cast Cover
This cast cover comes in various sizes for children and adults. This affordable covering is great for post-surgery hydrotherapy or for fun in the sun at the beach. The Dry Pro Pump Waterproof Cast Cover is great because you can see and feel the seal around the top. For the leg coverings, the bottom has a non-skid grip for the foot so slipping is not a worry.
XeroSox Waterproof Cast Cover
The XeroSox has a patented seal for optimal protection and defense against water getting onto the cast. It is made of high quality surgical latex and is perfect for wading in the water. This product features a built in pump that works as a seal and as a gauge for making sure the vacuum is intact.
Cast Comfort Spray
We all know the feeling of having an itch, but not being able to scratch it. This is especially hard with a cast over the itch and you cannot get in there to scratch it. This unique aerosol spray uses medical-grade alcohol to relieve the itch. Not only does this product stop the itch, it gets rid of embarrassing cast stench.
The Medical Department Store believes cast covers are the ideal solution for casts in the summer months for water activities. Don’t give up on summertime fun!
Tags: Cast covers, Summer time fun