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Recommit to Your Health in 5 Steps

Posted on: July 24th, 2014 in Elderly, Food, Health, Uncategorized by MDSBlogger |

Recommit to your health this summer with our easy tips.

Your health is a fragile thing and should be treated as such. The habits you do day to day can benefit or harm your health. As you age the habits you had at a young age can start to catch up to you. Being healthy isn’t about restricting diets or running marathons; it is about living a balanced and positive life. Balance comes from what you put into your body and what you do with it. Through food and exercise you can shape your health and life. The Medical Department Store has products to ensure your safety and health.

Step 1

Examine your current diet. Make sure you are eating enough fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains to sustain energy throughout the day. You should always eat a big breakfast, medium lunch, and a smaller dinner with healthy snacks in between. When you feed your body with empty calories from processed or sugar-packed food, you are restricting it from the nutrients it needs.

Step 2

Exercise benefits all bodily systems. It promotes blood flow, strengthens muscles, releases endorphins, and clears the mind. An individual should exercise at least 5 days a week for 30 minutes. A brisk walk can get blood pumping and allow fresh oxygen into the lungs. Find an activity you enjoy and invite family and friends to join!

 Step 3

Sleep allows the brain to process information and can improve memory, increase creativity, and sharpen focus. It can help you maintain a healthy weight and decrease inflammation. Make time in your life to achieve a good night’s sleep.

Step 4

Attitude is everything. Develop a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and think of everything you do as an investment to your future. By beginning new habits today, you are likely to improve your health in the future. Simple ways to increase your happiness are creating a gratitude list, laughing, and spending time outdoors. If you find yourself struggling to be happy, consider expressing your thoughts by journaling or seeking professional health.

Step 5

The final step to committing to a healthy lifestyle is taking preventative measures to avoid accidents and injuries. The Medical Department Store offers walking aids, first aid care, and daily living aids to ensure your safety.

We hope you take these steps and incorporate them into your life. You deserve to have a healthy body, mind, and relationships. The Medical Department Store encourages you to have a happy and healthy summer!

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