While you take the time this spring to clean up your garden and plant new vegetables and flowers, there are some safety tips to keep in mind. From avoiding falls to steering clear of injuries by gardening tools, the Medical Department Store is bringing you ideas to safely enjoy the benefits of gardening. Besides health benefits from gardening, there are also many social benefits as well.
Safely enjoy the benefits of gardening:
Dress for protection. When you are outdoors, you are more likely to be sun burned, so it is best to wear a hat and long sleeve clothing for extra protection. Not only is it important to dress for protection while gardening, always have at least a 15 SPF on your face and other uncovered portions of your body. You will save yourself from a severe burn and you will likely be able to enjoy being outdoors for a longer period of time.
Put safety first. Always be aware of possible hazards when you are outdoors, but especially when you are gardening. Be aware of the area you are in so you don’t risk a fall or tripping on sticks or bumps in the yard. Remember where you are placing your gardening tools so you don’t step on them and wear proper footwear while gardening. The more you pay attention to safety risks, the better your gardening experience will be.
Stay hydrated. As the weather continues to warm up, you will need more water to keep your body hydrated. Avoid beverages or alcohol because they have higher sugar content and can dehydrate you. Drink water while you are gardening and you can enjoy a different beverage at the end of your day.
The Medical Department Store wishes you well this gardening season, but always remember to stay safe while outdoors for any reason. Contact us today to learn more about our wound care items to keep you safe this summer.
Tags: garden, gardening, health benefits of gardening