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Stair Lifts: Providing Safety and Choices

Posted on: January 21st, 2014 in Stair Lifts by MDSBlogger |

At Medical Department Store, we know that aging and disability related issues can be hard to deal with, especially when it deals with your home. Whether the changes occur slowly with aging or a progressive illness or if these changes happen suddenly because of a stroke or accident, they can still feel overwhelming. We want to give you some commonly modified areas of the home so that you can start planning on what changes would be best for you and your family.

Stair lifts are probably one of the most common home modifications. Stair lifts are becoming more and more popular as the population ages and have more trouble getting up and down the stairs safely but still want to stay in the home that they have put so much love and care into to. In older two-story houses, the bedroom and bathrooms were built on the second story and washers and dryers were in the basement. That wasn’t a problem when you bought the house and were raising a family, but now those stairs can be like climbing a mountain! The injuries from falling down even a short flight of stairs can cause serious injury and even death. You can also install a stair lift outside of your home that will help keep your independence.

Today’s stair lifts are designed to be quiet and efficient. These stair lifts can be installed to fit almost any size or shape of stairs. Stair lifts come with accessories to aid in going up or down your stairs. The sleek design doesn’t take up much room on the stairs, allowing for “non-users” to walk up and down safely. Many people actually use these lifts to carry laundry and other heavy or awkward items to allow them to take the stairs more safely. The important thing is that these lift give you choices. You can choose where and when you need them, and more importantly, you can choose to stay in the home you love.

Contact Medical Department Store today and let us tell you more about the stair lifts we offer and what they can do for you.

Creating a Safer Bathroom

Posted on: January 14th, 2014 in Bathroom Safety by MDSBlogger |

There’s a lot of danger out in the world today. Watching the nightly news can make you afraid to even walking out your front door for fear of catching the flu, getting cancer from something you never thought could give you cancer or the million other horrible things that are reported on night after night. However, for seniors there is a danger in your home right now, something that you may not even notice because you use it multiple times every day. Medical Department Store is referring to your bathroom, and it is more dangerous than you think.

The bathroom is the number one place that seniors have accidents that result in fractured hips, bone bruises and other serious injuries. Bathroom injuries can result from taking a shower to simply sitting on the toilet. The combination of slick, wet surfaces, forced awkward positions getting in and out of the tub or shower or on and off the toilet creates decreasing flexibility and mobility. This can lead to a serious injury and expensive medical bills.

A good place to start accident-proofing your bathroom is with grab bars. These can be placed almost anywhere in the bathroom, whether it’s to help get in or out of the shower or bath tub or for assistance getting on or off the toilet.

Another essential is a shower chair to keep you in a seated position as you shower instead of standing, which puts you at a higher risk of falling. A raised toilet seat can also ease transitions on and off the toilet for those with decreased flexibility.

Making sure that your bathroom is a safe bathroom should be a priority. Take some time to evaluate what changes you can make, and visit Medical Department Store for all of the bathroom safety equipment from bathing accessories, tilt-in-space shower chairs, transfer benches and bath lifts you or your loved ones need.

How Diabetes and your Eyes Relate to Each Other

Posted on: December 19th, 2013 in Diabetes by MDSBlogger |

As a full-service home medical equipment provider, Medical Department Store helps people at all stages of diabetes. Every month is a great time to sit down and to talk about this disease and the damage in can do to your body and eyes.

Diabetes is growing in numbers more than ever before. Research shows that over 21 million people in the United States have diabetes and an estimated 6 million people have either pre-diabetes or have been not been diagnosed. Those who are not diagnosed are not receiving the right treatment, and many of those who have been diagnosed aren’t either; in the long run, they’re hurting themselves without realizing it.

When a person has diabetes, their body has trouble converting sugar from the foods they eat into energy. This can cause very high or very low insulin levels that can lead to damage of the organs and eyes.

Glaucoma is also more common in people with diabetes. People with diabetes are almost 50 percent more likely to develop glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye disease that damages the optic nerve by causing an increase of internal eye pressure. Controlling blood sugar is key to preventing this eye disease.

Some eye issues are more common in people with diabetes. People with diabetes are more likely to developing cataracts.  Cataracts are the clouding of the eye’s lens.  These cataracts occur at younger ages for people with diabetes than the general population.

The macula is the part of the eye that is responsible for central, sharp vision.  Macular edema and macular degeneration are common problems in people with diabetes. These eye diseases are due to the malfunctioning of blood vessels inside the middle region of the retina. Over time these disorders can lead to vision loss.

We’ll have more on diabetic eye health in our next blog. Medical Department Store wants you to be happy and healthy and to live life to the fullest. Ask us about our diabetic supplies for men and women and our blood glucose monitors.

Diabetes and Your Eyesight

Posted on: December 17th, 2013 in Diabetes by MDSBlogger |

Medical Department Store continues with our discussion about diabetes and your eyes. Diabetes-related eye and vision issues can affect the almost 28 million people in the United States who either have diabetes or who are not yet diagnosed. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetes-related eye disease and affects the retina.   What is the retina? The light sensitive retina is at the back of the eye and is responsible for processing visual images.

Diabetic retinopathy can affect your vision in mild, moderate or even severe ways. Some of those ways include seeing spots or floaters in your vision, having blurred vision, experiencing a dark spot in the center of your vision, and having difficulty seeing at night or in low light. Diabetic retinopathy can lead to a many vision problems and vision loss, so see your doctor if you experience any of the symptoms.

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common of diabetic eye diseases, but not the only one. Other eye diseases are more common and often have an earlier onset and affect the eyes quicker.

Being aware of these various eye diseases is important for everyone, but even more so for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Thorough eye exams are an important part of controlling your diabetes. When you go to the eye doctor, be sure to tell them about your diabetes and be honest about it, even if you are not doing a great job managing blood sugars.

Cataracts develop in people with diabetes at an earlier age than non-diabetics. People with diabetes are almost 50 percent more likely to develop glaucoma too.  Managing your blood sugars can delay or slow the progress of these eye diseases.

Make managing your vision an important part of your diabetes and your life.  Medical Department Store wants you to be happy and healthy and to live life to the fullest. Ask us about our diabetic test strips and our diabetic skincare products to promote good health.

Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Posted on: November 14th, 2013 in Lung by MDSBlogger |

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month and as suppliers of respiratory and oxygen equipment and supplies, Medical Department Store cares about your respiratory health.

According to The American Lung Association, lung cancer is the leading killer of both men and women in this country. Lung cancer surpassed breast cancer as the most deadly cancer in women.

An estimated 16,340 people in the U.S were expected to die from lung cancer last year. Lung cancer is the cause of more than one quarter of all cancer deaths. Many more people fight the disease for a longer period of time and thankfully, some people are to treat the disease successfully.

The leading cause of lung cancer is smoking. Smoking accounts for 8 out of 10 of all cancer deaths in women and 9 out of 10 lung cancer deaths in men.  If you smoke or care about someone who smokes, get help to quit now. Every day of being smoke-free will help and reduce your chances of getting lung cancer.

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, but not the only cause. People who are exposed to second-hand smoke in their homes or at their jobs have a 20-30percent greater risk for lung cancer.  According to statistics, there are almost 3,500 lung cancer deaths among non-smokers in this country every year, many through second-hand smoke.

Besides smoking and second hand smoke, there are some other contributors to lung cancer, including radon. Radon is a tasteless, odorless gas that occurs naturally in nature. Exposure to radon accounts for about 10 percent of the lung cancer cases.  Of course this risk is raised if you are also a smoker or exposed to second-hand smoke. Outdoor air pollutants including smog and air pollution account for a very low 1 to 2 percent of cancers.

See Medical Department Store for your respiratory and oxygen needs. We carry a large supply of portable oxygen concentrators and oxygen supplies and can have these supplies shipped anywhere.

COPD Awareness Month

Posted on: November 12th, 2013 in COPD by MDSBlogger |

November is COPD Awareness Month and Medical Department Store wants you to be aware of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/COPD.

Medical Department Store cares about your lung and respiratory health every day and works hard to serve our respiratory and oxygen customers. We serve people with COPD every day, but many people are still unsure of what COPD really is.

COPD is a common but very serious lung disease that makes it difficult to breathe. COPD causes your airways to be blocked making it hard for your lungs to function properly. COPD develops slowly over many years and get s worse over time. COPD includes one of two common respiratory elements; chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

How do you get COPD? The leading cause of COPD is smoking, especially cigarettes. The majority of people who have COPD are either current smokers or are former smokers. While smoking is the most common cause, some people get COPD from long-term exposure to air pollution, chemical fumes or dust on or off the job.

COPD is very common. COPD is the third leading cause of death in the US. Studies show that 12 million Americans currently have COPD and another 12 million have COPD but are not diagnosed.

As a progressive illness that develops over time, COPD is usually diagnosed in a person’s middle age and retirement years. The damage to the person’s lungs occurs slowly but steadily and continues and get worse over time. It may start as a cough that a person can’t seem to get rid of and that persist long after other cold-like symptoms have cleared up. If the person is a smoker, the doctor will recommend that they stop smoking immediately to not make the COPD worse.

If you are a smoker, get help to quit. Talk to your doctor and do some more research on this disease. If you have any type of respiratory illness and need equipment, Medical Department Store can equip you with a large supply of portable oxygen concentrators and oxygen supplies that can help.

Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2

Posted on: October 10th, 2013 in Breast Cancer by MDSBlogger |

Did you know one in every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer? October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This annual campaign increases awareness of this potentially deadly and scary disease. Many women (and men) do not use the self-exam to detect breast cancer. Medical Department Store is proud to support breast cancer research and would like to provide you with facts about breast cancer.

Breast cancer is a disease where cancer cells form in the tissues of the breast and is not limited to damaging surrounding tissue. Over time, the cancer cells turn into a tumor which results as a lump in the breasts. If you notice or feel a lump in your breast, speak with your doctor as soon as possible. Keep in mind, some breast lumps are not cancerous, but still may need to be looked at.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation states that less than one percent of all breast cancer cases develop in males. Most cases of breast cancer happen with women, but men need to be aware of the cruel cancer as well.

Males and females are born with the same breast cells and tissue.  Men are not excluded from getting breast cancer even though they cannot produce milk.  Even though the chances are low, every one in 1,000 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Men who feel they have breast cancer should see their doctor right away.  Men don’t usually notice warning signs of them having breast cancer and have a higher mortality rate because of it. If men have breast cancer, like women, they’ll feel a lump underneath their nipple and areola.

Doctors and breast cancer specialists still cannot pinpoint why a man or woman could get breast cancer where another man or woman doesn’t.  There are no exact causes of breast cancer.  Some women do believe some risk factors may increase their breast cancer chances. Men or women will NOT get breast cancer being near someone who has it or is recovering from it.

Medical Department Store hopes you’ve learned how breast cancer starts and how it affects many lives daily.  Please visit our full online catalog today!

Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month 1

Posted on: October 8th, 2013 in Breast Cancer by MDSBlogger |

Awareness of any disease is vital to staying healthy and getting an upper hand on an illness. Awareness means that it’s okay to talk about breast cancer and say the words. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Medical Department Store supports every woman who is going through this disease and their families who support them.

People were shocked and very supportive when movie star Angelina Jolie recently announced that she had had a preventative double mastectomy to avoid the breast cancer that had taken her mother’s life. When a star of that caliber talks openly about breast cancer, people listen and people start talking about the disease and the types of treatment s more openly. These are positive steps in fighting a negative disease.

Whether you’re new to mammography (commonly called mammograms) or have experienced several, knowing what to expect may help you make the process smoother.  A mammogram is an X-ray that allows breast specialists to look for changes in abnormalities or changes in breast tissue.  The American Cancer Society suggests that women over 40 years of age get tested every year.  Not to say women younger than 40 can’t get tested, but most times do not need one.  Regardless, if there any changes to your breasts, get in touch with your doctor.

The best time to schedule your mammogram is a week after your menstrual period.  This helps ease the pain because your breasts won’t be tender or swollen, which eases discomfort. The procedure takes about 20 minutes. Your breasts will be compressed for a few seconds so an X-ray can be taken.  It may take a few compressions for additional X-rays. When your breasts are compressed, this allows the radiation exposure to be less for the X-ray.

After about a month, you’ll receive the test results and your doctor will set up a time with you to discuss the results.  Make sure to promote getting your breasts checked between your family and friends, both male and female, every two years, or every year I you or over 40.  Let Medical Department Store help with mastectomy fitting products and wound care supplies.

Finish Your Vegetables

Posted on: September 12th, 2013 in Food by MDSBlogger |

Welcome back to Medical Department Store’s blog about Fruits and Vegetables Month.  Today, we’ll talk about what vegetables are, what foods are considered vegetables and the healthy benefits of eating them.

From our last blog, it’s hard to tell the difference between what’s truly a fruit and vegetable. A vegetable is considered the edible part of a plant that can be eaten raw or cooked. Vegetables are organized into five groups:

  • Dark green
  • Starchy
  • Red and orange vegetables
  • Beans and peas
  • Other vegetables

There are more vegetables than fruits. Some of your more common vegetables include corn, asparagus, broccoli, rhubarb, potatoes, peas, beans, onion, olives, mushrooms, tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, spinach, lettuce, pumpkin, peppers and horseradish. Vegetables can act as great snack replacements instead of eating salty snacks like pretzels, and we encourage you to eat chips with salsa instead of cheese dip. Make sure to keep vegetables out so you can see them; you’ll tend to eat them more often than other fatty foods.

Like fruits, vegetables are recommended in certain amounts to eat in order to maintain a healthy diet.  Based on gender and age, it may be recommended to eat different amounts of vegetables as well.  When you’re younger one cup of vegetables is recommended, but when you get to be 50+ years old it turns into two and half to three cups, with 30 minutes of physical activity per day.

You’ll have to experiment with vegetables and other key food groups.  Sometimes green beans or asparagus go great with steak, and tomatoes go great with a BLT. Not to say you can’t eat vegetables alone or blend it into a drink, but you can pair vegetables with bigger main course meals too.

Medical Department Store doesn’t sell vegetables at the local market, but we continue to promote eating and having a healthy diet.  Take a look at our featured products or our full online catalog today. Please contact us with any questions you may have!

The Skinny on Fruits

Posted on: September 10th, 2013 in Food by MDSBlogger |

This September, Medical Department Store is celebrating Fruits and Vegetables Month with our blogs!  Fruits and vegetables help make up the healthy food groups you’re supposed to eat every day.  Today, we’ll talk about what fruits are, what foods are considered fruits and the healthy benefits of eating them.

Telling the true difference between fruits and vegetables is hard because not all vegetables are fruits and not all fruits are vegetables. Makes sense right? Fruits are defined as sweet and fleshy products of a tree or other plants that contain seeds and can be eaten as food.

As you get older, the amount of fruit recommended for daily intake changes.  It also depends on your gender and level of physical activity. When you’re young, you usually would eat about one cup of fruit a day where 50+ year old individuals are recommended to have two cups a day, while participating in 30 minutes of physical activity.

There are many different fruits to choose from and many different variations of those fruits. Fruits can be whole or squeezed into very tasteful juices or smoothies.  The more common fruit juices are orange, apple, grape and grapefruit.  Here is a list of whole fruits that you could include into your diet:

  • Apples
  • Apricots
  • Avocado
  • Banana
  • Berries – multiple variations
  • Grapefruit
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Raisins
  • Plums
  • Pears
  • Oranges
  • Coconut
  • Lemon
  • Lime

Getting more fruits in your diet can help maintain a healthy weight and be a great snack in return.  It can help reduce your risk of disease and help get you back on your feet after being sick.  Fruits contain very helpful nutrients such as potassium, dietary fiber, and vitamin C and are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories.  No fruit has cholesterol, another thing to worry about at your age.

Medical Department Store doesn’t have a fruit stand, but we do promote having a healthy diet and eating great fruits.  Check out our bariatric equipment and our full line of portable oxygen concentrators today!



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